0825.760957 - WhatsApp Business +39 3887547850 info@ginevracosmetica.it



foto_azienda2Guenièvre was established in 1998 soon becoming a reference for all it’s customers.

Thanks to a constant scientific research it continuous to offer innovative cosmetic lines that satisfies the customers in terms of effectiveness on blemishes that are treated without neglecting the sensory part,  offering products that in addition to the results, that is the base of success of the cosmetic line, are able to excite and give pleasant sensations.

For almost twenty years Guenièvre has taken care of the beauty of the face and body skin, creating products always more functional.

Considerable importance is given to products safety, guaranteed by rigorous control methods that guarantee the stability of physico-chemical and microbiological.

On this basis Guenièvre has built its brand and its professionalism becoming a safe leader for beauty professionals.